What steps should lenders take with advancements in Skiptracing technology?

What steps should lenders take with advancements in Skiptracing technology?
As stated in a September 27, 2019 article on Auto Finance Excellence, technology is now encouraging both state and federal regulators to focus in more on skiptracing regulations setting restrictions on the amount of phone ..

How are millennials changing the buying process in the auto industry?

How are millennials changing the buying process in the auto industry?
Research from Maya Ivanova, senior quantitative researcher at J.D Power indicates millennials are moving to suburbs due to high housing cost therefore a purchase of a car is a necessity not social status. Kelly Blue ..

New trends show an increase in long auto loans

New trends show an increase in long auto loans
According to Experian, seven million people are 90 days or more behind on auto payments and in connection to loans lasting six years or more. The Consumer Financial protection bureau states that the average length ..